Great recruiters are hard to come across. The best in the field truly are passionate about what they do and care about making a connection with prospective job seekers.
Great recruiters can take a candidate and accurately outline their strengths, correctly mapping them to an appropriate position. They give the candidate visibility within the organization and ultimately sell them to the hiring manager or interview team. They are/can be an intregal part of the decision on whether or not to hire, often having a role in the offer process, recommending a salary figure or assisting with negotiation that often benefits the candidate. Up to and including sending a congratulations and welcome letter, guiding someone into their first day at a new company.
A criticism I've recently discovered working in a hyper-growth environment, is the lack of established connections with job seekers. No one's fault really. Yet because of this I see new employees begin their job and quickly forget that initial call or person that got them 'in the door'. They don't realize the behind the scenes/inner workings of making this process seamless and successful.
I don't want this 'thought/blog' to come across whiny or that it's somehow a reminder that recruiters have the ultimate power/decision - because it is definitely a two way street and there are multiple variations to each situation.
What I would like to get across is if you are or were recently a job seeker, and you've come across a great recruiter, let them know you appreciate them giving you a first look and opportunity. And know that there are other contributions that you most likely do not see, that land you that perfect job.